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My Two Year Plan


  • Apply for as many scholarships as possible before I graduate by and receive a scholarship. I can do this by..

    1. Creating a good resume and  being involved in a lot of things.

    2. Submitting my resume and all paperwork on time.

    3. Keeping my grades up above a 3.8

    4. Staying in my honors classes and take CCP courses.

Saving for college

  • I plan on earning money to put back in savings for college by..

  1. Getting a summer job as life guard or work at a clothing store.

  2. When I receive my paycheck, putting back 40% of it.

  3. Being smart when I am spending my money and recognizing wants vs. needs.


  • I plan to apply to many colleges but get into the college of my dreams by..

  1. Getting great grades all through high school.

  2. Scoring well on my ACT.

  3. Doing well in my CCP course and have a good resume.

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